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Pani Pani Re.

Since most water bodies have either vanished or dried up, birds are left with little choice. Neighbourhood birds are dependent on us and it doesn’t take much effort to provide them some water. When adult birds find water, they in turn feed the young ones. Large birds store the water in their beak and take it to the chicks while the small ones wet their wings and feathers and rain it on their offspring.

Under this campaign, through all social media medium, personal request, digital and print media, we have inspired maximum people of the city to give water to birds and trees around them.


Pani Pani Re

An Appeal to all citizens to give water to at least One Plant or one bird or one animal everyday...

Summer is a crucial time to keep your backyard birds supplied with water for drinking and bathing. Birdbaths set at different heights serve a great variety of birds. A wide, shallow birdbath that deepens a bit in the center will suit a broad range of birds - including this American Robin. Most important of all? Keep it clean!

Along with birds, thousands of plants planted by various organizations in public places also need water.All those plants do not dry up due to lack of water, for this it is necessary that all the citizens should water the plants around them at fixed time intervals.

Along with this, awareness exercises will be conducted in different parts of the society for saving water and for proper exploitation of water.

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-16 at 8.47.16 AM.jpeg
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